Queer Youth NRW

The network for young volunteers in queer youth work

The picture shows four people laughing heartily. Three of the people have short hair one person has long hair. All four wear red T-shirts with the Queer Youth NRW logo, which consists of a white “Q” with a cut-out in the shape of NRW in the middle and the lettering “Queer Youth NRW”

Queer Youth NRW is a network in which young people up to 30 years of age from queer youth work connect and work together.

In the network, there are networking meetings twice a year with space for exchange and workshops, training for young youth group leaders (Queer JULEICA), further training courses and several nationwide working groups. For example, AG CSD is planning a joint appearance at a CSD in NRW for all queer youth gatherings. Once a year, the network selects a Advisory Board, who accompanies the Queer Youth Department in NRW in its work and is the mouthpiece of young volunteer queers in NRW. Find out more about the department here.

Would you like to volunteer at a queer youth club? Do you want to network with other committed young queers from all over NRW? Are you interested in queer youth politics at state level?
Then get in touch and join in!

Current events in the youth network

About the Queer Youth Network NRW




Your youth advisory board


Your specialist team




Documents and materials
