CSD livestream 2021 of Queer Youth NRW!

Our AG CSD, an action group of young committed queers from all over NRW, has set up a fabulous Pride livestream this year!

On 06.08.2021, we broadcasted Kalk from the in-house in Cologne for just under 2 hours:

# In & Out:
CSD livestream of the youth network Queer Youth NRW

Hosted by Rob & Aurah Jendafaaq

languages: German and English


The livestream can still be watched at the following link:


In cooperation with the In-House Media Team Cologne.

Enjoy! Happ Pride!



- Greeting

- Presentation of the Queer Youth Department of North Rhine-Westphalia: Welcome to the “Q_munity”

- Tips from queer young people for queer young people

- Drag: Interview with Pesto (@derdiedaspesto)

- Youth groups introduce themselves: Track Münster& BJ Wuppertal

- How does a consultation appointment work in queer youth work?

- Music: anni YU & Jan Benkest from Cologne

- From counseling to therapy? Missing offers for young queers

- Self-organized Healing Spaces: example from Rob's Cologne group

- Music: SÍKARO (@sikaro0o) from Frankfurt

- Website queere-jugend.nrw: presentation video (German & English)

- Contribution by Alex from the Youth Advisory Board of the Queer Youth Network NRW

- Live talk & video: Queer rooms start with Orion from Spektrum Cologne & Elizaveta Khan

- What are Dyke* Marches for?
Interview with Isabel Sophie (@dykemarchruhr) & Anke (@dyke_march_muenster)

- Youth groups introduce themselves: Freihaus Bielefeld, video & live interview with Ercan

- Performance by Aurah Jendafaaq (@aurah_jendafaaq)